Research activities connect climate risk and global environmental change to technological and institutional innovations to promote security for people, ecosystems and economic growth. Research themes span multiple disciplines from engineering and earth science to policy, politics, economics and geography. In partnership with UK and international research agencies, governments and business, Oxford delivers research excellence and impact.
Recent Publications
Cross-Cutting Research Fora
Research Programmes and Groups
Nature-based Solutions Initiative
Nature-based Solutions Initiative
Net Zero Regulation and Policy Hub
Net Zero Regulation and Policy Hub
OCEANBUG - Ocean Biogeochemistry
OCEANBUG - Ocean Biogeochemistry
Oxford Centre for Life Writing
Oxford Centre for Life Writing
Oxford University Economic Recovery Project
Oxford University Economic Recovery Project
Oxford Net Zero
Oxford Net Zero
Oxford University Environmental Sustainability Team
Oxford University Environmental Sustainability Team
Physical Oceanography
Physical Oceanography
Planetary Climate Dynamics
Planetary Climate Dynamics
Planetary Health Informatics
Planetary Health Informatics
Predictability of Weather and Climate
Predictability of Weather and Climate
Resources and Environment - Economics
Resources and Environment - Economics
Resources, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Technology And Work In Production And Distribution Systems: Rice In India
Resources, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Technology And Work In Production And Distribution Systems: Rice In India
Stratigraphy and Sedimentology
Stratigraphy and Sedimentology
Sustainable Finance
Sustainable Finance
Sustainable Law Programme